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  • Author
  • #1530
    Frank Guengerich

    Results of last month (% to plan):
    – PT Revenue
    – Avg session value
    – # of sessions
    – Goal for next month

    Education: usually have one of the team members go over their specialty and the rest of the
    team will duplicate the movements. The goal is for the team to learn the why, who, when and
    how to prescribe these movements for clients.

    – Improvement on various items
    o New member calls
    o Closing fitness consultations
    o Ensuring cleaning procedures are followed for the fitness center
    o Expectations regarding upkeep of the fitness center

    Updates from previous meeting/interdepartmental updates
    What does the team need to improve on their job?

    What are we hearing from the members good/bad?
    What is the next program or contest we want to run?
    Team building event for the month/quarter? (Examples – escape room, bowling, bite to eat)

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